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Nisha Pa's Articles

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Pop Culture and Social Co-Existence

The advent of social media has made vastly easier to broaden one’s vision of various cultures across the globe. The different cultures are uniting and transforming the world into one global society. This has led to the penetration of pop culture (Pop

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The Pandemic Muddle

With the COVID-19 situation getting worse with every passing day, it’s no secret that the pandemic has taken a toll on our physical health. However, no one is addressing the elephant in the room: our deteriorating mental health. People are becoming h

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Pop Culture and Social Co-Existence

The advent of social media has made vastly easier to broaden one’s vision of various cultures across the globe. The different cultures are uniting and transforming the world into one global society. This has led to the penetration of pop culture (Pop

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The Pandemic Muddle

With the COVID-19 situation getting worse with every passing day, it’s no secret that the pandemic has taken a toll on our physical health. However, no one is addressing the elephant in the room: our deteriorating mental health. People are becoming h